Chosen Youth

Chosen Youth Ministry is for 6th-12th grade students.

CHOSEN exists to help junior high and high school students discover their identity in Christ. Each student has a God given purpose, and we are here to help them discover what that is. We believe that our youth are not just the church of tomorrow, they are the church of today.

Our student ministry is built on these 3 foundation elements:

Student Involvement

Students are much more likely to stay engaged in church if they are a part of it. We don’t believe in doing church at our students, instead we encourage them to jump on and serve. Whether it be on our all youth worship team, praying into the mic during the service, or raising money for missions. There is a place for everyone to jump in and serve.

Energetic Youth Services

Every Wednesday night from 6:30-8pm we gather for upbeat, youthful worship and a time of God’s word being shared. Some Wednesdays we break into small groups to dig a little deeper into certain topics.

Life Changing Events

Summer camp and youth convention are just two examples of what we refer to as benchmark moments. Times when a teen encounters the Holy Spirit in an undeniable way can mark them for the rest of their life. When we get away with a large group of teens that are hungry for God to move in their lives, astonishing things always happen. Students are saved, delivered, restored, called into ministry... We never know what will happen, but always look forward to seeing it unfold.

Our youth pastors Mark and Amy Stahl have over 12 years of youth ministry experience. They along with the entire youth leadership team bring a stability that is craved in today’s fast paced, shifting culture. We encourage you to come and discover who you were meant to be!